21 July 2011


I challenged myself to not draw any females the entire weekend. And being at a loss for inspiration, I turned to tumblr. (I've got a dinky food blog there) Thank goodness for tags. I was able to browse through a fat lot of images on my phone without the headache of dealing with deviantART.
Click all of 'em for full size.
Some quick sketches I did last week for a friend's comic thing. Trying to draw snobby rich WASPs at a prep school and failing at it...

Right about when I decide no more girl drawings during the weekend
Flowers: hibiscus, stylised rose, rose, English rose,  chrysanthemum, and periwinkle. Started to work on some stone work. Clearly found an excellent Peaches&Cream pop recipe.

Men! Bollywood stars and naked back that's supposed to have a tattoo. And sexy headlights of hot cars. And a one-year old me in the corner.

Spent a large amount of time on this one. More brickwork from my parent's house. Sketches of a two-year-old me with my usual crazy hair. It looks like my baby sister is smirking at the Honda HSC (of which I crammed the front of when it got closer to my neck. Bad, I know). Some kpop video stills. Henna, More male references from tumblr. Like that guy with ridiculous hair.

And that's all for now. I'm exhausted from all this. But it was a good exercise that I intend on doing again!

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